dr Paweł Pasteczka
adiunkt (pracownik badawczo-dydaktyczny)
Katedra Analizy Matematycznej i Zastosowań
pokój: 207
telefon: 12 662-62-76
e-mail: pawel.pasteczka@uken.krakow.pl
prywatna strona www: http://ppasteczka.up.krakow.pl/
Harmonogram zajęć:
- Curriculum Vitae
- Wykształcenie
2006-2012 Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Matematyki, Informatyki i Mechaniki, Jednoczesne Studia Informatyczno-Matematyczne
2011-2015 Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Matematyki, Informatyki i Mechaniki, Studia trzeciego stopnia, stacjonarne - Matematyka
- Dyplomy
2010 licencjat z matematyki (UW). Tytuł pracy: Uogólnienia średnich quasi-arytmetycznych; promotor: dr hab. Piotr Mormul.
2011 magister informatyki (UW). Tytuł pracy: Gry na grafach z wagami; promotor: prof. Damian Niwiński.
2012 magister matematyki (UW). Tytuł pracy: When is a family of generalized means a scale?; promotor: dr hab. Piotr Mormul.
2016 doktor nauk matematycznych (UW). Tytuł rozprawy: Analytic methods in inequalities concerning means; promotor: dr hab. Piotr Mormul.
- Zainteresowania naukowe
Główne kierunki prowadzonych badań:
Badanie analitycznych własności średnich
- Główne wyniki badań:
Kryteria dotyczące własności Hardy'ego dla średnich (w tym ważonych), w tym pozwalające na wyznaczenie optymalnej stałej.
Oszacowanie odległości między średnimi quasi-arytmetycznymi.
- Granty i projekty badawcze
2013 Grant fundacji Universitias Varsoviensis - projekt "Nierówności typu Hardy'ego dla średnich niejednorodnych"
- Przebieg pracy zawodowej
- 2015-2017. asystent
- 2017-teraz. adiunkt
- Prowadzone (najczęściej) zajęcia dydaktyczne
Pakiety matematyczne (ćwiczenia oraz jednokrotnie wykład)
Informatyka (ćwiczenia)
Projektowanie stron WWW (ćwiczenia)
- Konferencje
Konferencje naukowe:
- Summer Symposium in Real Analysis XXXV, Budapeszt, Węgry, 5 - 11 czerwiec, 2011, referat: When is a family of generalized means a scale?
- Mathematical Analysis in Fluid Mechanics, Białka Tatrzańska, Polska, 5 - 11 luty, 2011
- Norwegian Summer School on Geometry and Analysis, Bergen, Norwegia, 24 - 28 czerwiec, 2013
- 15th International Conference on Functional Equations and Inequalities, Ustroń, Polska, 19 - 25 maj, 2013, referat: Arrow-Pratt index is instrumental in estimating dierences among quasi-arithmetic means
- 20th European Conference on Iteration Theory, Łagów, Polska, 14 - 20 wrzesień, 2014, referat: Scales of quasi-arithmetic means determined by invariance properties
- Conference on Ulam's Type Stability, Rytro, Polska, 2 - 6 czerwiec, 2014, referat: On negative results concerning Hardy means
- Mathematical inequalities and application 2015, Mostar, Bośnia i Hercegowina, 11 - 15 listopad, 2015, referat: Iterated Quasi-Arithmetic Mean-Type Mappings
- 53rd International Symposium on Functional Equations, Krynica-Zdrój, Polska, 14 - 21 czerwiec, 2015, referat: Iterated quasi-arithmetic mean-type mappings
- 16th International Conference on Functional Equations and Inequalities, Będlewo, Polska, 17 - 23 maj, 2015, referat: Limit properties in a family of quasi-arithmetic means
- 54th International Symposium on Functional Equations, Hajdúszoboszló, Węgry, 12 - 19 czerwiec, 2016, referat: Estimating the distance among quasi-arithmetic means: the journey so far
- Conference on Ulam's Type Stability, Cluj-Napoca, Rumunia, 4 - 9 lipiec, 2016, referat: Lower estimation of the difference among quasi-arithmetic means
- Conference on Inequalities and Applications 2016, Hajduszoboszlo, Węgry, 28 sierpień - 3 wrzesień , 2016, referat: Hardy property among invariant means
- 55th International Symposium on Functional Equations, Chengdu, Chiny, 11 - 18 czerwiec, 2017, referat: Weighted Kedlaya inequality
- 17th International Conference on Functional Equations and Inequalities, Będlewo, Polska, 9 - 15 lipiec, 2017, referat: Weighted Kedlaya inequality
- 56th International Symposium on Functional Equations, Graz-Mariatrost, Austria, 17 - 24 czerwiec, 2018, referat: On Hardy type inequalities for weighted means
- Conference on Ulam's Type Stability, Timișoara, Rumunia, 8 - 13 październik, 2018, referat: On the quasi-arithmetic Gauss-type iteration
- Numbers, Functions, Equations 2018, Hajdúszoboszló, Węgry, 26 sierpień - 1 wrzesień , 2018, referat: Jensen-type geometric shapes
- Function Spaces XII, Kraków, Polska, 9 - 14 lipiec, 2018, referat: On Hardy type inequalities for weighted means
- 18th International Conference on Functional Equations and Inequalities, Będlewo, Polska, 9 - 15 czerwiec, 2019, referat: Weakening of Hardy property for means
- 57th International Symposium on Functional Equations, Jastarnia, Polska, 2 - 9 czerwiec, 2019, referat: Invariance property for discontinuous means
- Dynamics, Equations and Applications 2019, Kraków, Polska, 16 - 20 wrzesień, 2019, referat: Quasi-arithmetic Gauss-type iteration
- Lyantse Centennial Conference on Functional Analysis and Applications, Lwów, Ukraina, 18 - 20 wrzesień, 2020, referat: On a norm of generalized Hardy operator
- The 21st Katowice-Debrecen Winter Seminar on Functional Equations and Inequalities, Brenna, Polska, 2 - 5 luty, 2022, referat: Decision making via generalized Bajraktarević means
- 58th International Symposium on Functional Equations, Innsbruck, Austria, 19 - 26 czerwiec, 2022, referat: The ultimate characterization of the Jensen convexity of quasiarithmetic means
- XXX European Workshop on Economic Theory, Warszawa, Polska, 7 - 9 lipiec, 2022
- VIII Hurwicz Workshop on Mechanism Design Theory, Warszawa, Polska, 4 - 5 listopad, 2022
- 59th International Symposium on Functional Equations, Hajdúszoboszló, Węgry, 18 - 25 czerwiec, 2023, referat: Decision making via generalized Bajraktarević means
- 20th International Conference on Functional Equations and Inequalities, Będlewo, Polska, 17 - 23 wrzesień, 2023, referat: Invariance property for extended means
- The Twenty Third Katowice-Debrecen Winter Seminar on Functional Equations and Functional Inequalities, Brenna, Polska, 31 styczeń - 3 luty , 2024, referat: Multivariable generalizations of bivariate means via invariance
- The 24th European Conference on Iteration Theory, Vimeiro, Portugalia, 27 - 31 maj, 2024, referat: Extension theorem for simultaneous q-difference equations and some its consequences
- 60th International Symposium on Functional Equations, Kościelisko, Polska, 9 - 15 czerwiec, 2024, referat: Equality and comparison of generalized quasiarithmetic means
- Staże naukowe, wyjazdy zagraniczne
University of Debrecen, Węgry, 8.03–21.03.2015
University of Debrecen, Węgry, 8.10–22.10.2016
University of Debrecen, Węgry, 17.09–20.12.2017
University of Debrecen, Węgry, 13.10–10.11.2018
University of Debrecen, Węgry, 21.09–23.10.2019
- Współpraca międzyuczelniana i zagraniczna
University of Debrecen, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, Uniwersytet Zielonogórski
- Nagrody, wyróżnienia, odznaczenia
- Wyróżnienia naukowe:
Medal For outstanding contributions to the 58th Symposium on Functional Equations 2022 przyznany przez Komitet Naukowy ISFE
Stypendium Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego dla wybitnie zdolnych młodych naukowców, 2019
Stypendium dla najlepszych doktorantów 2013-2015
Stypendium Krajowego Funduszu na Rzecz Dzieci, 2005
Stypendium Funduszu Pomocy Młodym Talentom Jolanty i Aleksandra Kwaśniewskich, 2004
- Publikacje
- Zs. Páles, P. Pasteczka, Decision making via generalized Bajraktarević means, Ann. Oper. Res. 332 (2024), 461-480
- Zs. Páles, P. Pasteczka, Estimating the Hardy constant of nonconcave homogenous quasideviation means, Ann. Math. Sil. 38 (2024), 78-92
- W. Jarczyk, P. Pasteczka, Extension theorem for simultaneous q-difference equations and some its consequences, Results Math. 79 (2024), Art. No.: 262
- P. Pasteczka, On negative results concerning weak-Hardy means, Colloq. Math. 171 (2023), 153-158
- Zs. Páles, P. Pasteczka, Estimating the Hardy constant of nonconcave Gini means, Math. Inequal. Appl. 26 (2023), 195-203
- P. Pasteczka, Invariance property for extended means, Results Math. 78 (2023), Art. No.: 146
- P. Pasteczka, Error recognition in the Cantor cube, Ann. Univ. Paedagog. Crac. Stud. Math. (2023), 75-86
- Zs. Páles, P. Pasteczka, On the Jensen convexity of quasideviation and Bajraktarević means, Aequationes Math. 96 (2023), 1201-1219
- K. Gryszka, P. Pasteczka, On the L1 and pointwise divergence of continuous functions, Period. Math. Hungar. 87 (2023), 75-85
- P. Pasteczka, There is at most one continuous invariant mean, Aequationes Math. 96 (2022), 833-841
- P. Pasteczka, On properties of weighted Hardy constant for means, Math. Inequal. Appl. 25 (2022), 1047-1068
- P. Pasteczka, On the integral approach to means and their Hardy property, Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Mat. RACSAM 116 (2022), Art. No.: 142
- B. Deręgowska, P. Pasteczka, Quasiarithmetic-type invariant means on probability space, Aequationes Math. 95 (2021), 639-651
- J. Matkowski, P. Pasteczka, Mean-type mappings and invariance principle, Math. Inequal. Appl. 24 (2021), 209-217
- Zs. Páles, P. Pasteczka, On the Jensen convex and Jensen concave envelopes of means, Arch. Math. (Basel) 116 (2021), 423-432
- Zs. Páles, P. Pasteczka, New bounds for the ratio of power means, J. Math. Inqual. 15 (2021), 1233-1237
- J. Chudziak, Zs. Páles, P. Pasteczka, From the Ingham-Jessen property to mixed-mean inequalities, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 499 (2021), Art. No.: 124999
- P. Pasteczka, Online premeans and their computation complexity, Results Math. 76 (2021), Art. No.: 141
- P. Pasteczka, On the Hardy property of mixed means, Math. Inequal. Appl. 24 (2021), 873-885
- Zs. Páles, P. Pasteczka, On Hardy type inequalities for weighted quasideviation means, Math. Inequal. Appl. 23 (2020), 971-990
- P. Pasteczka, Jensen-type geometric shapes, Ann. Univ. Paedagog. Crac. Stud. Math. 19 (2020), 27-33
- J. Matkowski, P. Pasteczka, Invariant means and iterates of mean-type mappings, Aequationes Math. 94 (2020), 405-414
- P. Pasteczka, Weakening of the Hardy property for means, Bull. Aust. Math. Soc. 101 (2020), 118-129
- P. Pasteczka, On a lattice-like property of quasi-arithmetic means, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 486 (2020), Art. No.: 123892
- J. Matkowski, P. Pasteczka, Invariant means, complementary averages of means, and a characterization of the beta-type means, Mathematics 8 (2020), Art. No.: 1753
- P. Pasteczka, Zs. Páles, On Hardy type inequalities for weighted means, Banach J. Math. Anal. 13 (2019), 217-233
- W. Jarczyk, P. Pasteczka, Simultaneous difference equations on a restricted domain, Aequationes Math. 93 (2019), 239-246
- P. Pasteczka, Interval-type theorems concerning quasi-arithmetic means, Math. Inequal. Appl. 22 (2019), 509-518
- P. Pasteczka, Invariant property for discontinuous mean-type mappings, Publ. Math. Debrecen 94 (2019), 409-419
- Zs. Páles, P. Pasteczka, On the homogenization of means, Acta Math. Hungar. 159 (2019), 537-562
- P. Pasteczka, Lower estimation of the difference between quasi-arithmetic means, Aequationes Math. 92 (2018), 7-24
- P. Pasteczka, Zs. Páles, On the best Hardy constant for quasi-arithmetic means and homogeneous deviation means, Math. Inequal. Appl. 21 (2018), 585-599
- P. Pasteczka, Zs. Páles, On Kedlaya-type inequalities for weighted means, J. Inequal. Appl. 2018, Art. No.: 99
- P. Pasteczka, Interval-type theorems concerning means, Ann. Univ. Paedagog. Crac. Stud. Math. 17 (2018), 37-43
- P. Pasteczka, On the quasi-arithmetic Gauss-type iteration, Aequationes Math. 92 (2018), 1119-1128
- P. Pasteczka, Iterated Quasi-Arithmetic Mean-Type Mappings, Colloq. Math. 144 (2016), 215-228
- P. Pasteczka, Limit properties in a family of quasi-arithmetic means, Aequationes Math. 90 (2016), 773-785
- P. Pasteczka, Zs. Páles, Characterization of the Hardy property of means and the best Hardy constants, Math. Inequal. Appl. 19 (2016), 1141-1158
- P. Pasteczka, On some Hardy type inequalities involving generalized means, Publ. Math. Debrecen 87 (2015), 167-173
- P. Pasteczka, On negative results concerning Hardy means, Acta Math. Hungar. 146 (2015), 98-106
- P. Pasteczka, A new estimate of the difference among quasi-arithmetic means, Math. Inequal. Appl. 18 (2015), 1321-1327
- P. Pasteczka, Scales of quasi-arithmetic means determined by an invariance property, J. Difference Equ. Appl. 21 (2015), 742-755
- P. Pasteczka, When is a Family of Generalized Means a Scale? , Real Anal. Exchange 38 (2013), 193-210
- Z. Boros, R. L. Lovas, P. Pasteczka, Correction to: There is at most one continuous invariant mean, Aequationes Math. 97 (2023), 883-885
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